8 things to do absolutely in Stray before the end

Game News 8 things to do absolutely in Stray before the end

Published on 07/23/2022 at 12:35

Stray has finally been released and is currently delighting thousands of gamers around the world. Annapurna Interactive’s biggest start invites us to embody the cutest of cats in a cyber city full of robots. Here are eight feline things to do before you finish the game.


If you didn’t know, in Stray you have a meow button. It may seem trivial to you, but it is still very important for role play. As a cat, you will be able to make your voice heard at all times as you see fit and it’s still great. Not totally useless, meowing can sometimes surprise some sleeping robots.

put a bag over his head

In the world of Stray, you will come across paper bags from time to time. They won’t help you get out of complicated situations, but you have plenty of time to put them on your head, because why not? Once blinded by the bag, the cat will walk in the opposite direction that you tell it for a few seconds before finally getting rid of the piece of paper. It’s always fun the first time.

8 things to do absolutely in Stray before the end

Sneak into apartments

It’s a must anyway to progress in the game, but what do we like to do: in the skin of a cat, all you need is a half-open window to be able to sneak in interior of an apartment. How pleasant it is to discover the small living spaces of the robot inhabitants, always immersed in orange lights. The developers have taken great care over it.

8 things to do absolutely in Stray before the end

Make your claws

It’s obvious, when you’re a cat, you obviously need to scratch the rough surfaces that make you want: carpets, tree trunks, doors and especially brand new sofas, all for good mark their territory. In Stray, you will be able to indulge in this fantastic practice at every street corner. On PS5, you’ll even feel some trigger pull while doing so. What a pleasure.

8 things to do absolutely in Stray before the end

Make your claws

It’s obvious, when you’re a cat, you obviously need to scratch the rough surfaces that make you want: carpets, tree trunks, doors and especially brand new sofas, all for good mark their territory. In Stray, you will be able to indulge in this fantastic practice at every street corner. On PS5, you’ll even feel some trigger pull while doing so. What a pleasure.

8 things to do absolutely in Stray before the end

Dropping objects

A truly accomplished cat must drop a few objects for pure personal satisfaction. If the action will sometimes allow you to open passages and unlock obstacles, you can completely drop things for the simple pleasure of annoying others. We remember in particular this time when we spilled cans of paint on two robots who were chatting. It was nice.

8 things to do absolutely in Stray before the end

Rubbing against a robot’s legs

This is important for maintaining good relationships and making a great impression on the robots: rubbing against their legs whenever you can. It’s absolutely useless in terms of progression, but it makes you adorable, and that’s still the most important thing.

8 things to do absolutely in Stray before the end


Who has never dreamed of being a cat to sleep when he wants and where he wants? In Stray, there are a few spots where you can curl up and doze as long as you want. We especially liked doing it alongside this musician who played us a few pieces in exchange for scores unearthed in the slums.

8 things to do absolutely in Stray before the end

just being cute

Here’s the easiest thing to do in Stray: just be cute, doing nothing but be you.

8 things to do absolutely in Stray before the end

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