9 red flags on your CV that will drive recruiters away

  • Gringo Jobs is the platform in charge of publicizing the recommendations to be taken into account in the CV, an essential document in talent management.

  • An important aspect of this exercise is that it demonstrates the importance of a CV in the way talent is communicated.

  • The update that the CV has had over time is mainly due to the use of filters that classify these documents.

a platform called Gringo Jobswhich is dedicated to connecting Latino talent with technology companies, gave at least 9 recommendations of elements that you should discard from your CVwell, as if it were red flagsyou will drive recruiters away from your profile if you prepare your document with such elements.

It was through Twitter that he came across these tips, demonstrating the role that social networks play in talent management and how the labor market is defined by increasingly ordinary 2.0 practices.

In fact, there are areas that have undertaken human resource management, rethinking the means by which they communicate with the talent of a company. This activity is so important that international studies have even been conducted on how social networks impact human resources departments and the results are interesting, since the firm Sierra-Cedar he found that 83 percent of human resources managers at large companies used LinkedIn to make a job decision.


The Gringo Jobs company ensures that there are at least 9 alerts that your CV will not attract the attention of the recruiter and that is that you have put your address on the resume. Second, that you put your date of birth; third, that you put your number of documents such as INE, CURP or RFC.

Within the alerts, it is also warned that (4) you avoid mentioning jobs that have nothing to do with the vacancy; (5) another aspect that disappoints about your CV is that you place your photograph; Continuing with these recommendations, (6) also advises avoiding bars to exemplify the level of knowledge of aspects such as languages, for example, using graphic bars. (7) In educational matters, ask to rule out adding levels before university, (8) your photograph and (9) that you stop putting your oldest jobs, you should only limit yourself to the most recent ones.

Like the recommendations of Gringo Jobs, there are very interesting cases that help prove the importance of a CV when it is well structured, regardless of whether it is written by hand. We saw a resounding example in this regard when we report the story of Angel Medinaan inhabitant of the city of Hermosillo, Sonora, who went viral on networks, when he wrote his CV by hand on a sheet of notebook.

The simple document drew attention because it was extremely synthetic, that is, very clearly exposing his experience in cattle management, with practical skills such as castering animals, preparing cheese and experience handling cattle.

The synthesis that demands a CV It happens at all levels, from whether you’re a Latino talent wanting to work for a US tech company, to a rancher looking for a job with cattle.

Regardless of the level, the common is a CV well done and its impact does not depend on its design or how striking it can be, but on how concise it can help you present yourself to a recruiter.

This is without a doubt a insight powerful that reminds us how valuable it has become to innovate in the labor market and the value of understanding the consumer, especially at a time when market activities with consumers become necessary.

And study which helps conclude this note led him PageGroup and in this study, the platform listed the crucial aspects for recruiters in a CV. The 100 percent Of them, he chose that the document had no spelling errors, that it detail the achievements and that it had no typos, as crucial to consider a CV.

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