the government agrees on the terms and conditions for granting the fuel oil check of 200 euros

The objective is to be able to start submitting applications by the end of June and then paying the check.

This check for 200 euros is intended for households who heat their main residence with bulk oil or propane. It can be paid only once (single premium) per household for the filling of a fuel tank carried out at home between November 15, 2021 and November 15, 2022. Any person residing in a single-family house or an apartment may request the check .

Concretely, the FPS Economy will take care of the payment of the check and is developing an online tool for this purpose as well as a didactic explanation of the procedure for households. A paper form will also be available.

Anyone wishing to request a check must provide a copy of their invoice, proof of payment with their account number and national register number. It is requested that these same people keep their invoice as well as their proof of payment.

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