China and Tonga in the South Pacific signed an agreement on disaster prevention, agriculture and fishery cooperation

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi says China is not interested in geopolitical battles

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets King of Tonga

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(Beijing = Yonhap News) Correspondent Jo Jun-hyung = China and Tonga, an island country in the South Pacific, signed an agreement aimed at strengthening cooperation in disaster prevention, agriculture, fishery, and health.

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on the 1st, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who is visiting island countries in the South Pacific, signed the agreement in Tonga, the fifth country he visited the day before.

Director Wang promised support for accelerating the restoration and revival of Tonga, which suffered great damage from a large-scale undersea volcanic eruption in January at the meeting of preventing King Tupo VI.

“China is ready to do its best to help developing countries keep up with the times and speed up development,” Wang said.

Tupo VI said: “Some comment on the cooperation between the island states and China, but the sovereign state has a choice about how to deal with foreign countries.”

“China’s friendship has always been shown in actions rather than words,” he said.

“Recently, some people have attacked and undermined China’s cooperation with island countries in the South Pacific,” Wang said during a foreign ministers’ meeting with Tonga.

He added, “China has no intention of competing with anyone, even less interested in geopolitical warfare, and has never tried to create a so-called ‘force range’.”

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