What is “mental hygiene” – Health and Wellness

There are five mental hygiene habits that are very healthy to have an emotional quality of life and a high level of resilience in the face of adversity.

In Psychology and Self Help
personal development goals
1. Do not lose the healthy habit of starting new stages in your life, do not get stuck in the predictable plane, look for a way to move forward and move forward. The time has come to start new stages after finishing university, after being fired from a company, at the end of a love affair, after a failure (or a success), upon turning 40… The new stages show the very essence of life as a dynamic entity.

2. Practice humility, which is very healthy so as not to live defensively. To not remain stuck in arrogance and pride. The attitude of living defensively is typical of people who have suffered a lot, have not healed their anger and seek in this existential position a way to protect themselves against disappointments.

3. At the level of personal relationships, we can feel that life or ourselves are moving away from some of our usual friends, however, we must not lose the ability and enthusiasm to make new ties. It is gratifying to feel the surprise of the novelty of new conversations, new companies and new presences.

4. Today, there is a common habit in many families: spending time in front of television or the Internet. However, the habit of reading is not so common, and yet it is very healthy to feed the mind and heart. Visit libraries and bookstores more frequently to delight in the pleasure of imagining what plot each work contains and encourage yourself to discover more literary works.

5. The most important thing is not so much to reduce the defects as to enhance the strengths. The true essence of success lies in this coaching attitude. Train your talents, those that make you unique and unrepeatable. Have a natural curiosity and a restless mind to know more and discover new nuances of each topic.
Source: PsicologiaYAutoAyuda_Com

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