[속보] President’s Office: “There is no adequate level of security posture” in response to North Korean missile launch

“Further strengthening trilateral security cooperation between Korea, the U.S., and Japan,” delivered the words of the President

Citizens watch related news in a waiting room at Seoul Station on the same day as North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles (SRBMs) into the East Sea in the early morning of the 9th. yunhap news

In a written briefing on the 9th, Kim Eun-hye, chief of public relations at the presidential office, said, “North Korea has raised the level of threat by provocation of about 40 ballistic missiles this year alone, including the launch of two ballistic missiles this morning.” We will further strengthen our security cooperation,” said President Yoon Seok-yeol.

“I think there will be no opposition and opposition parties in protecting the lives and safety of the people,” he said. It is the national security that can only be protected by preparing enough to say it is excessive,” he emphasized.

By Hyun Hwa-young, staff reporter hhy@segye.com

[ⓒ 세계일보 & Segye.com, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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