Foods that reduce stress and prevent sadness, according to experts

The first commandment to learn in the nutrition bible is, without a doubt, that we are what we eat. In fact, the connection between our brain and our body is the most important tandem of our survival, and also of our mood. All of this is influenced by an agent that is gaining more importance and ground in our well-being every day, the microbiome. of this community of microorganisms, good and bad, which coexist within our body, depends to a large extent on our way of dealing with certain emotions. Thus, our diet and the foods we include in it influence the reproduction of allied gut bacteria or enemies. According to several studies, those who have a lower level of healthy intestinal bacteria are more prone to anxiety and different depressive disorders. In this sense, we must know that happiness, sadness or stress have their own flavors. We detail the foods which are very useful tools for combat negative emotions and enhance the effect of those that produce well-being.

Foods to combat sadness and reduce anxiety

It is important to note that a good eating plan is part of a complete treatment for depression. In fact, nutrition plays a fundamental role in improving the patient’s physical and mental state, especially in those who present certain nutritional deficiencies. These foods have already been called essential nutrients for the brain (NEC). These are the essentials.

  • Chicken and beef. Meats in general are a source of vitamin B12, a vitamin whose deficiency has been linked to depression. The meats of turkey and pollo They are very rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that regulates the production of serotonin reinforcing sensation of wellness.
  • Green leafy vegetables. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, chard or cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower provide a large amount of folic acid and vitamin E, which greatly reduces the feeling of lack of energy and depression. Likewise, spinach contains GABA, a component that controls the central nervous system and helps reduce anxiety and stress.
  • Fruits: Fruits contain substances that inhibit the production of the MAO enzyme, whose levels are often high in people with depression. The most related to these benefits are purple fruits such as blueberries, eggplants, blackberries, radishes, cherries. They contain anthocyanins, substances that function as antioxidants in the brain. The banana is also very popular for its high tryptophan content and the orange for vitamin C, which slows down the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol.
  • Legumes and cereals. They are a great source of slow-absorbing carbohydrates that help assimilate tryptophan and convert it into seratonin. In addition, they provide B vitamins related to the proper functioning of the nervous system.
  • Nuts. Most have a high tryptophan content, especially walnuts, peanuts or pistachios. Also cashews -due to their contribution of magnesium, known as the anti-stress mineral- help reduce fatigue and depression.
  • Blue Fish. It is rich in omega 3, essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system.
  • Chocolate. It improves the production of hormones that reduce stress, stimulates the central nervous system and produces a sensation of pleasure. It must have a high percentage of cocoa, 70% or higher.
  • Avena. Rich in tryptophan, it causes a feeling of well-being and takes care of the nervous system. It also maintains blood glucose levels as it is a carbohydrate, something that prevents emotional spikes.
  • CafĂ©. Caffeine has psychostimulant effects and increases the level of physical and mental activity, intensifying the feeling of well-being. Also, its natural antioxidant properties can act as an anti-inflammatory in the affected parts of the brain. Of course, drinking it in excess can cause the opposite effect.
  • green tea It has antidepressant virtues thanks to an essential amino acid known as theanine, whose relaxing action reduces stress and prevents depression.
  • Kefir and yogurt. Probiotics provide beneficial bacteria that regulate the intestinal flora. In fact, some of these bacteria work as psychiatric drugs to alleviate the symptoms of depression.

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