A passionate about paleontology joins «DIGO»

Franco has been linked to the Museum of Natural Sciences since he was 12 years old.

He is 26 years old and has been a fan of dinosaurs since he was very young. He was born in Rock. He is a technician in paleontological methodology and practice. He is currently finishing his studies at the National University of Río Negro where he is studying for a degree in Paleontology.

«I have liked this universe since I was very young. Dinosaurs have always caught my attention, mainly those of our Patagonia. We are an extremely lucky region for those who feel some curiosity about these species”says Franco, convinced that paleontology awakened in him a dream, a path and a way of life.

Living in the Patagonia area is the dream of many paleontologists in the world. The level of professionals working in the region is excellent

Franco Migliaro, “DIGO” expert

At the age of 12, he decided to start posting information of interest on the subject on social networks. It was from this that they were surprised by the level of knowledge of that child on the subject, He was summoned by the Patagonian Museum of Natural Sciences and began a volunteer journey at the institution there.

Franco is in charge of the paleontology laboratory sector of the Roca museum.

Two years ago he joined the museum as an employee. «He currently works in the paleontology laboratory sector. I am in charge of the preparation of fossil remains, curing pieces and research”, says Franco. He also collaborates in guided tours for locals and tourists, gives talks on topics of interest and does field work in different Patagonian territories.

There is no doubt that in Patagonia we are privileged. A large number of fossils have been found in our region. Today it is among the largest paleontological centers in the world, it seems to be a true park of the Cretaceous, not only of terrestrial animals, but also of marine species that, according to estimates, dominated the waters of the region 80 million years ago.

The terrain and the sparse Patagonian vegetation. Two fundamental factors for the discovery of fossil remains

Franco assures that the steppe vegetation greatly favors the work of researchers. “Many of the sedimentary rocks are exposed in the territory by erosive phenomena and that allows us to find fossils and discover organisms that inhabited the Earth a long time ago.”

Living in the Patagonia area is the dream of many paleontologists in the world. «The level of professionals working in the region is excellent. We have the possibility of having international level experts who make academic contributions that are highly relevant to the biological history of the planet”, says Migliaro.

Franco adds you to his passion in “DIGO”

With enthusiasm and eager to share knowledge, Franco Migliaro joins the “DIGO” network of experts, the “RÍO NEGRO” app, starting next week. “They are going to find a space for dissemination where we will address different aspects of paleontology, we are going to answer a lot of questions that we have all asked ourselves at some point,” he anticipates.

Also Topics related to the evolution of species, extinctions, dinosaurs, main discoveries in the region and recent findings will be addressed. “I want to offer simple, up-to-date and accessible information. It is possible that together we can create a space to discover how fascinating the world of paleontology is and how wonderful the forms of life that preceded us are,” concluded Migliaro.

All the programming, through the regional agenda of the APP.

Its space opens next Wednesday on the regional agenda of “DIGO”. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, you can do it directly from the Play Store. Also, You will be able to listen to a large number of regional micro spaces, local segments and “RN RADIO” with all the information on Patagonia.

DIGO in the APP and on the “RIO NEGRO” website

To the content that is released daily from the mobile application, a new way of listening was recently added. Through rionegro.com.ar/digo, it is possible to access the productions generated by the network of spokespersons and experts in the towns of Río Negro and Neuquén.

Through this new section, it is possible to listen to all the episodes of a program at any time of the day and also access related notes, meet the protagonists and find out about the events that take place in the cities, towns and places of the region.

If you want to be the protagonist of DIGO like Franco Migliaro, you only have to write to digo@rionegro.com.ar and tell your interest and proposal. We will contact you immediately.

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