SRF presenter Fabienne Gyr expects her mother to die

SRF presenter

“Farewell becomes more concrete” – Fabienne Gyr is preparing for the death of her mother

Fabienne Gyr’s mother has been suffering from multiple sclerosis for many years. The situation has now deteriorated and the SRF presenter has begun to prepare for death.


Fabienne Gyr is considered the all-purpose weapon of the SRF. But privately she has been carrying a burden since childhood.

SRF/Oscar Alessio

  • Fabienne Gyr was six years old when her mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

  • The situation has deteriorated in recent months, which is why the SRF figurehead is now dealing intensively with death.

  • The 35-year-old does not want to go crazy and reveals why she sees it as a privilege to be able to prepare for death.

Fabienne Gyr is considered the all-purpose weapon of the SRF. whether in entertainment, in sports or during big live shows: With her charm and broad smile, the native of Central Switzerland always inspires the audience. But since the age of six, the 35-year-old has carried a heavy burden with her – her mother is seriously ill. “Mömel”, as her mother Edith calls her, suffers from multiple sclerosis and has been in a wheelchair for a long time.

The condition of the 64-year-old has deteriorated sharply in recent months, as the presenter told the «lucky mail» disclosed. So much so that she is now in the palliative care unit of a home. “She can’t speak well anymore, just a few sentences that you don’t always understand,” reports Fabienne. The situation means that she is dealing more and more with death: “Saying goodbye is slowly becoming more concrete.” She has been preparing for Day X for years and yet fear of the moment resonates. “Nevertheless, it’s still your own mommy that has to go. It’s very sad,” she explains.

Fabienne Gyr appreciates being able to prepare for death

In 2015, Fabienne was directly confronted with death. Back then, Duri Camichel, a former ice hockey pro and her ex-boyfriend, died in a tragic car accident in Costa Rica. Because of this experience, she now sees it as a privilege to be able to prepare for the farewell of her “Mömel”. She doesn’t want to drive herself crazy, but with every visit she wonders if this was the last time with her.

The TV woman likes to look back on the many beautiful moments together. But one experience means a lot to her: that she was able to witness the wedding with her husband Mario Gyr (37), Olympic rowing champion, in the summer of 2022. She is also glad that she was able to experience growing up and was able to meet the daughter of her son Sandro. “A few years ago we weren’t sure if that was even possible,” she says.

When asked about her own children and the fact that Edith will probably never live to see them again, Fabienne Gyr concludes: “Mum knows that we will do well right away. And that I have a super nice marriage. She just wants us all to be happy – and I definitely am!”

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