Over 100 miles, at night or completely relaxed: THE trail running event in the Pillerseetal

2023-06-21 05:01:29

Austria’s longest ultra trail in the Kitzbühel Alps

PillerseeTal (OTS) – It doesn’t matter whether you’re a trail running crack, occasional runner or junior: When the fourth “KAT100 by UTMB” takes place in PillerseeTal from August 3rd to 5th, sports enthusiasts of all levels lace up their running shoes.

For three days, the most beautiful paths through the Kitzbüheler Alpen – on more or less sweaty routes: The fittest compete against each other on the eponymous “100 Miles Trail” (170 kilometers) – the longest ultra trail in Austria. The “KAT100 Marathon Trail” (48 kilometers) and the “KAT100 Speed ​​Trail” (24.2 kilometers) are no less challenging. But don’t worry, it’s also more relaxed: if you like, you can take on eight kilometers and fight for your personal best on the “Easy Trail”.

Even the youngest show what they can do over various distances on the “Kids Trail”. On all three days, an expo area attracts visitors in Fieberbrunn with exhibitors showing the latest equipment trends.

This year, the KAT100 is one of 35 international events as part of the “UTMB World Series” with the final at the “UTMB Mont-Blanc” – and has thus arrived in the champions league when it comes to trail running. www.pillerseetal.at; kat.utmb.world

Questions & contact:

UTMB World Series international press inquiries: presse@utmb.world
PillerseeTal Tourist Office: marion.pichler@pillerseetal.at

#miles #night #completely #relaxed #trail #running #event #Pillerseetal

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