Café Etage Insolvency: SAVE theSTORE JAZZ Association & Keep the Jazz Legacy Alive

2023-08-16 16:24:00

About a month ago, the news about the insolvency of the Café Etage caused horror. Especially among jazz fans, but by no means only, the café on Jakominiplatz was as popular as it was legendary because of its cozy atmosphere and in summer especially because of its hidden terrace. Unaffected by the bankruptcy is theSTORE JAZZ association, which organized the concerts in the bar – and considers itself “lucky to be one of the three or four leading addresses of contemporary jazz in Austria in the best of health”.

Otmar Klammer reports that “a flood of condolences and offers of help from home and abroad reached the association: musicians, agencies, organizer colleagues, concertgoers and friends from near and far expressed their astonishment, their regret or even their horror. but also given hope and confidence. This encouraged “Stockwerkjazz” to take up the fight for the location.

In the meantime, things are already on the right track here: the house owner, Grawe, has already promised that a new rental agreement could be obtained under the “moderate old conditions”. The association managed to buy the entire inventory, including stock, right of use and naming rights, cheaply from the bankruptcy estate.

Scene landlord wanted

But now you still need someone who “runs the shop”, i.e. takes over the gastronomic matters. And that urgently: on September 23rd the new season ofStockjazz should start – and next year nothing less than the 30th anniversary of the club will be celebrated. “We want to bring this to the traditional stage with the full conviction of a solidary jazz community,” says Klammer and his team: “And then we’ll go on for another thirty years. And then we’ll see.” That’s the plan. Interested parties can contact or Tel. 0676 3159 551.

#Closed #due #bankruptcy #rescue #operation #Grazer #Café #floor #Landlords #urgently #wanted

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