Discover Your Artistic Talents: Art Workshops for All Ages and Skill Levels

2023-10-12 11:06:06

First, Nathalie Dejoye, a graduate visual artist facilitator from the Libre Cours association, is organizing a three-day course on Monday 23, Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 October, during which participants (from 6 years old) will be able to discover different techniques they allowing them to express their artistic talents – perhaps hidden – for drawing, painting, collage, cutting, etc.

Price: €20 per day. Information and reservations on 06 47 53 59 85, on the Facebook page Free course association or by email to

Edwige Lavarini, craftsman from the Céramiques et bidules brand, will offer introductory pottery workshops on October 27 and 28 and November 3 and 4. She will accompany the first steps of her students (from 8 years old) to familiarize themselves with good gestures and contact with the earth before guiding them in the creation of an object that they have chosen and which they will take home. them.

Price: €15 per afternoon. Information and reservations on 06 67 70 76 15 or Facebook page Ceramics and gadgets.

#Navarrenx #plastic #arts #pottery #school #holidays

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