“Good Government Integral Day in Maripa: General Medicine, Traumatology, Dentistry, Pediatrics, Gynecology, and Psychology Consultations for Over 800 Families”

2023-05-27 13:31:28

General medicine, traumatology, dentistry, pediatrics, gynecology, and psychology were part of the scope.

Courtesy of Bolívar Government Press | More than 2 thousand families were benefited

The Government of Bolívar carried out an integral day of the 1×10 of Good Government in Maripa, Sucre municipality.

According to what was reported in a press release, it was carried out thanks to an articulated effort between Fundación Social Bolívar (FSB) and the mayor’s office of the Sucre municipality.

The activity benefited more than 800 families, offering consultations in different health areas such as; general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, psychology, gynecology, traumatology, immunization, and deworming.

“This is the fifth service that is carried out within the framework of the Comprehensive Day of Good Government, aimed at the most vulnerable population, with health, food, gas, and medicine. This is only possible in revolution, because victory is certain as a team,” said Luis Hernández, mayor of the Sucre municipality.

Neighbors of Maripa expressed their gratitude for the management carried out by the regional president Ángel Marcano, and for the great contribution of the provision of medicines required for the continuation of their treatments.

Given the needs presented by the Bolivarian population through the VenApp application, the deployment focused on providing solutions.

Fundación Social Bolívar and Fundación Armonía delivered five wheelchairs, six mattresses, six toilet seats for the disabled, 200 reading glasses, 300 shoes, and 200 toys.

protein distribution

Thanks to the joint work between Alimentos Bolívar, Mercal Bolívar and Pdval, 2,812 families from the Maripa parish benefited, receiving 3,350 combos of (chicken and bologna), equivalent to 12,309 tons of protein.

The president of Bolívar Gas, José Manuel Losada, reported that the deployment of the mobile plant of Bolívar Gas and Gas Comunal was successful.

He assured that four parishes in the Sucre municipality were served; Guarataro, Aripao, Las Majadas, and Moitaco. “More than 4,500 families that make up the point and circle received the gas service.”

Losada explained that the promotion and application of the 1×10 System represents the rebirth of the country, demonstrating the approach of the Bolivarian Government to respond to the population in terms of services.

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#brought #medical #care #food #Maripa

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