Glad Hotel & Resort Collaborates with World Vision for Eco-Friendly Green Wall Project

2024-01-18 00:25:26

/Glad Hotel & Resort

[마이데일리 = 이지혜 기자] Glad Hotel & Resort announced on the 18th that it will carry out the ‘Glad Green Wall (wall greening)’ project with World Vision.

World Vision is promoting an eco-friendly system project to reduce greenhouse gases and create child-friendly spaces by installing green walls in libraries and local children’s centers, which are children’s facilities in Jeju.

Wall greening is an eco-friendly interior design that uses air-purifying plants on part of the wall so that children can live healthily in a nature-friendly and educational space. 3.3㎡ of wall greening acts as an air purifier equivalent to 137 trees.

To raise donations, Glad Hotel operates donation boxes in the lobbies of all branches.

In addition, we launched the ‘Glad the Sharing Package’, which donates a portion of sales proceeds. After package sales close, 5% of total sales will be donated.

An official from Glad Hotel said, “As our first social contribution activity this year, we are carrying out a project to create an eco-friendly space for children in collaboration with World Vision. In addition to selling donated products and operating donation boxes, Glad Hotel plans to carry out social contribution through various activities.” “He said.

Reporter Jihye Lee
– ⓒMy Daily ( Reproduction and redistribution prohibited –

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