Titanic’s richest passenger wristwatch auctioned for $1.2 million – World

The pleasure liner Titanic sank at 11:40 PM on April 14, 1912 after hitting an iceberg. A gold wristwatch belonging to Titanic’s richest passenger, John Jacob Astor, has sold for $1.2 million, a record auction for Titanic artifacts.

Auctioneers say that no other Titanic artifact has ever fetched such a high price at auction. This wristwatch was found in the pocket of John Jacob Astor.

This wristwatch was given by Esther’s son Vincent to William Dabin, son of his father’s executive secretary.

This gold-cased wristwatch was auctioned in the US on Saturday by Henry Aldridge & Son (Deviges, Wiltshire). John Jacob Astor, 47, drowned while his wife Madeleine was saved by a lifeboat.