A 13-year-old player is the first to complete Tetris

2024-01-09 10:36:35

Tetris, who doesn’t know it? By 1989, the game – involving rotating and positioning falling blocks to create complete horizontal rows so that they disappear – had been released on the Nintendo Entertainment System. Now on such an NES, 34 years later, the player Blue Scuti has reached the end of Tetris.

When a block reaches the top of the screen, the game is over in Tetris. In later levels, it then becomes increasingly difficult to clear rows, as the falling speed keeps increasing. Thanks to new techniques at the controller level such as hypertapping (moving your fingers more quickly by making them vibrate), players have been able to progress ever further in Tetris in recent years.


Beyond even what the creators of the game could have imagined. From level 138 onwards, more errors occur in the game. As a result, blocks are assigned an increasingly… crazy color palette, ultimately making them difficult to identify. However, Blue Scuti – real name Willis Gibson – managed to overcome these obstacles.

At level 157, his Tetris game crashed. Long story short, this crash is considered the true end of the game. Blue Scuti took around 40 minutes to beat the game and had to create a total of 1,511 horizontal rows.

Level 0

The crash does not always have to occur at level 157. A very careful player or AI system, according to YouTuber aGameScout on his channel, can reach level 255. From there, the game resets: back at level 0. The most passionate players won’t stop until they reach this point.

And collaboration with Kijk Magazine.

#13yearold #player #complete #Tetris

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