A 20-year-old finance student makes a $110 million bonanza from his investments

the essential
A 20-year-old American student managed to pocket no less than 110 million dollars thanks to his investments, in just one month. Narrative.

At only 20 years old, Jake Freeman is now a multi-millionaire. In just one month, this finance student has pocketed no less than $110 million thanks to… financial investments.

According to Financial Times, the young man, who began to study finance at the age of 17, first created his own investment fund, from his personal savings and the money collected from his pockets. He thus manages to collect 25 million dollars, which will allow him to invest in the stock market.

Promising actions

The young man bought last July nearly millions of shares belonging to the group Bed Bath & Beyond. The cost ? $5.50 per share. The following month, the company’s price skyrocketed to more than $27 for each share. The student then decides to sell all his shares. The young man was right: the day after its sale, the shares of Bed Bath & Beyond began to fall, reaching the amount of $10.80 per unit.

Jake Freeman, a math and economics student in Southern California, eventually pockets $110 million. The latter will ultimately have to share this sum with the people who helped him invest.

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