A 54-year-old man shot and killed a 45-year-old man – 2024-05-23 03:48:59

Useless one fell 45 years outdated on Monday night time from hearth of a 54-year-old farmer, within the area of Muria, in Kilkis. In response to the knowledge, the taking pictures incident befell on the 54-year-old’s livestock unit.

It was shortly earlier than 23:00 at night time when the 45-year-old went with different individuals to livestock unit owned by the 54-year-old man, in keeping with the primary data transmitted by thestival.gr. The 54-year-old who was there, fired a searching rifle on the peopleconsequently injuring the 45-year-old.

After the taking pictures, the 45-year-old and the opposite individuals acquired right into a automotive and fled. A little bit later they had been noticed by EL.AS. and it was established that the 45-year-old had breathed his final after the pictures he obtained.

The 54-year-old, in addition to individuals who had been with the 45-year-old sufferer, had been arrested.

The Police are investigating the the reason why the sufferer along with the people had been on the livestock unit at the moment and likewise the circumstances below which the 54-year-old shot the 45-year-old, fatally injuring him.

The Kilkis Safety Division is conducting a preliminary investigation.

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