A Bedouin recipe for treating knee roughness and arthritis for all in just one month

The elderly suffer from knee roughness, and recently some young people appeared complaining of knee pain, so knee roughness has become one of the diseases that young people and adults complain about, so we came to you with a Bedouin recipe that has proven effective in treating knee roughness and pain in the joints, so You have to follow us in publishing for you the Bedouin recipe that will help you get rid of the pain of roughness and joint pain.

knee roughness treatment

This recipe has recently gained wide fame in the field of treating roughness and joint pain, as this recipe is made up of some creams and other natural ingredients, and the most important ingredients are:

  • Hemoclar cream that treats joints and knee pain.
  • A certain amount of sheep fat is melted, then we put it with hemoclare cream, then we mix them well.
  • We put the mixture in a box that is free of bacteria, and the mixture is kept in the box and used at the time of use.
  • The cream that we have prepared is applied to the knee and we grease the knee to treat the pain in the knee.
  • We apply the cream to the knee every day and after a week we will see the difference.

What are the causes of knee osteoarthritis?

There are several reasons for patients with knee roughness, so we will mention them:

  • Standing for a long time makes bones brittle and weak, and also frequent climbing and descending stairs.
  • Aging is a big factor that weakens the bones and makes them more fragile, so we find that the elderly suffer from joint pain and chronic knee roughness.
  • Weight gain due to bone pain. Bones bearing so much weight that they weaken, causing pain.
  • There is some research that indicates that genetic factors cause weak bones, that is, weak bones is a genetic disease.

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