A British child accused of 7 sexual crimes… and the attempted rape of two women!

The child, who is only 13 years old, faces the prospect of imprisonment

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A 13-year-old British child faces the prospect of imprisonment, in a unique incident, after a specialized court convicted him of committing 7 sexual crimes, including two attempted rapes of two women.

According to what was reported by local media in Britain, the child was convicted of committing the crimes, after he appeared before the competent court that heard him, and concluded that he committed the first sexual attack on December 15, 2022, and then committed 6 other crimes within only three days between January 17 and 19. of the current year.

Neither the court nor the prosecution authorities nor the media announced the child’s name or photo, because laws in Britain prevent revealing the identities of minors in such cases. However, these crimes occurred in the town of “Telford” near Birmingham, north of the British capital, London.

The child, who is a schoolboy, faces a prison sentence as a result of his conviction of committing these crimes, but the court has not yet decided how long he will spend behind bars, as he is scheduled to be sentenced at Shrewsbury Crown Court on May 5.

West Mercia police said some of the victims described their attacker as wearing a school uniform.

During interviews with the police, the boy admitted that he was present in some of the crimes, but denied any responsibility, and claimed that another unknown man was present and may be responsible for the attacks.

Detective Chris Henry said after the hearing: “I would like to thank the victims for their courage in giving evidence in court, which led to today’s ruling.”

“Fortunately, such attacks are rare, but women everywhere can take comfort in the fact that we will not hesitate to act when they do,” he added.

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