A ‘deadly common mistake’ Preparing tea this way may cause cancer

Perhaps tea is one of the most hot drinks consumed by many in the world, and a cup of tea has many health benefits, but in order to obtain these benefits, tea must be consumed in moderate quantities without excessive, but there are some mistakes that many make while preparing a cup of tea, and they are mistakes that can It can cause many health problems, including causing risks of cancerous diseases, and this is what was indicated by Professor of Oncology at the National Liver Institute, Dr. Mohamed Ezz Al-Arab. We follow up below to reveal more details.

Common mistakes harmful to health when preparing tea

  • Dr. Muhammad Ezz Al-Arab explained that making tea with reheated water using the Alcatel electric kettle may cause serious diseases in humans at all, as a result of the leakage of aluminum and nickel in the water that is used to prepare tea.
  • The boldsky website mentioned that heating water in the electric kettle or in the “fridge” sofa alike, or leaving water for a long time on the fire, is what leads to serious damage to the body.

Diseases that may be caused by these errors

There are a number of diseases that may lead to errors that we mentioned earlier, including the following:

  • Infection with heart disease, as preparing tea with re-boiled water several times leads to arsenic deposition in the body, and causes problems in the heart and blood vessels.
  • Infection with cancerous diseases: As the preparation of tea using water that has been boiled more than once, causes the conversion of nitrates in the water into a dangerous substance for high temperature, which causes cancer such as colon cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer, and others.
  • Digestive problems: It has been indicated that boiling water several times leads to an increase in the amount of arsenic in the body, which harms the stomach and intestines.
  • Decreased concentration and intelligence in children, due to an increase in the percentage of fluids in tea and drinks prepared with re-boiled water.
  • Infection with kidney disease, as the kidney is the organ responsible for purifying the body from toxins, and because of the arsenic that is formed from this water, it may harm the kidneys, and thus the incidence of various kidney diseases.

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