A disease that affects women, a disease that affects men

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Men are more likely to get most cancers than women, study finds.

Researchers at the National Cancer Institute in Maryland 50~71three men 17only1274number of people, female 12only2826As a result of analyzing the subjects, men 1only7951number of people, women are 8742People get cancer, and men are more likely to get cancer than women, study finds.

the research team 21We compared the difference in incidence between men and women in canine cancer sites., Men have a higher esophagus than women, liver, biliary tract, bladder, skin, colon, rectal, Lungs are more likely to develop cancer. In particular, esophageal cancer 10.8ship, laryngeal cancer 3.53ship, stomach cancer 3.49ship, bladder cancer 3.33times higher. liver cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, cutaneous cancer, colorectal cancer, rectal cancer, The incidence of lung cancer was also higher in men than in women..

The reason may be due to intrinsic biological differences, rather than differences in lifestyle between men and women, the researchers estimate..

As such, there are diseases that men suffer more than women, and there are diseases that women suffer more than men..

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Source – Pixar Bay

disease common to women

1. Thyroid Cancer

Women diagnosed with thyroid cancer 80% more than. The exact reason is not known, but, It is thought to be influenced by female hormones..

2. dementia

Dementia patients in Korea are female and male 2as much as a ship. According to the Central Dementia Center 2021year 60Number of dementia patients aged over the country 91only1000presumed to be female, of which 62%, male 38%was. Why are women more likely to develop dementia??

Animal test revealed that female hormones protect brain nerve cells. After menopause, female hormones are not released, increasing the risk of dementia. In addition, a mutated gene that recently increases the incidence of dementia in women(MGMT)was found.

3. arthritis

Women are more prone to joint disease than men. The most common diseases are rheumatoid arthritis and degenerative arthritis..

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which immune cells invade joints and cause inflammation and pain.. According to the National Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, 2020rheumatoid arthritis patient 23only8984women among the 18tens of thousands of men 3doubled.

The exact cause is unknown, but genetic factors, Changes in female hormones due to pregnancy and childbirth are believed to have played a role.. It occurs mostly in the joints of the fingers., knee or shoulder, elbow, wrist, It can also appear in areas such as the hip joint.. Pain spreads to multiple joints, When the left wrist hurts, the right wrist also hurts, so it is characterized by a symmetrical appearance..

degenerative arthritis(osteoarthritis)Also, more women than men. According to the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, the number of osteoarthritis patients in Korea is 2019year basis 404from ten thousand people 2020year 382reduced to ten thousand, corona19This seems to be due to the decrease in the number of patients visiting the hospital with. women than men 2more than twice as many. This is also due to hormones..

Osteoarthritis is an inflammation of the joints due to damage to the cartilage between the bones or degenerative changes, causing pain.. During menopause, the cartilage weakens due to the decrease in female hormones..

In addition, women have weaker muscles and ligaments than men., The less muscle mass and weaker muscle strength, the greater the burden of bearing the weight on the joints.. Also, the housework is the wrist, The risk of developing arthritis is higher because you use a lot of joints such as the knee.

4. cystitis

patients with cystitis 10hit 9name is female. Anatomically, the female urethra is 3cm This is because the entrance to the urethra is close to the anus, so it is easy for E. coli to enter.. Also, if you wipe from the anus to the urethra after a bowel movement, bacteria from the anus can enter the bladder and cause inflammation..

In contrast, men have urethra 20cmlong, making it difficult for bacteria to reflux into the urethra, Because of the protection of the prostate, the risk of cystitis is lower than that of women.

5. systemic lupus erythematosus(lupus)

Lupus, an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation or disorders throughout the body due to abnormalities in the immune system, is 90%with almost all. 20The number of patients has increased since 4~50middle-aged women of all patients 48%, patient 2hit 1occupy people.

The cause of lupus is not clear., Patients with a certain genetic predisposition to viral or bacterial infection, ultraviolet ray, stress, It is presumed to occur when affected by environmental factors such as female hormones..

Source - Pixar Bay
Source – Pixar Bay

disease common to men

1. gout

Gout is one of the most common diseases in men.. According to health insurance big data 2020Patients treated for gout in 46only 8083hit 92.8%was a male.

Gout is uric acid that is not excreted in the blood.(One of the products that are metabolized after ingestion of food)It is a disease in which urate crystals formed by accumulation in the blood cause pain.. Usually the big toe or ankle, It causes severe pain in the knee and back..

The reason for the high incidence of gout in men is because the kidneys’ ability to remove uric acid decreases with age.. Women retain their ability to remove uric acid until menopause., This appears to be due to the influence of female hormones..

2. colorectal cancer

According to the National Cancer Information Center, colorectal cancer is 2019Among the major carcinomas by year 3second most, in men 2stomach, in women 3show the above prevalence. In particular, the incidence of colorectal cancer among Korean men is high in Asia. 1stomach, world 4Weda. 2030There is also a gloomy prospect that the number of patients will double by year..

Alcohol and smoking are the reasons why men are more likely to get colon cancer than women., and lack of exercise, Lifestyle habits such as eating a lot of red meat and processed meat act as risk factors., In women, there is also the possibility that female hormones may play a role in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer..

3. heart disease

blood vessels that supply blood to the heart(coronary artery)Heart disease occurs when the narrowing of the heart muscle does not provide adequate blood supply to part of the heart muscle.. This type of heart disease is more common in men. men’s diseaseis known as.

Biological factors such as male hormones and chromosomes are known to increase the incidence of heart disease to the extent that men themselves are considered risk factors for heart disease..

Studies have shown that male hormone androgens promote the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, thereby expressing heart disease-causing genes., A recent study found that as men age, YDecreased chromosomes have been shown to increase risk of heart disease.

Meanwhile, a Swedish research team found that women had healthier lifestyles than men., Blood pressure and cholesterol management, They also found a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, including lower smoking rates..

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