A first in Marseille: Hugo and Léa, the miracle twins born thanks to an ovarian tissue transplant

2023-12-24 14:58:06

For three months, Sandrine and Grégory have been seeing double. These Gapençais have dreamed of being parents since 2019. On February 27, 2023, their wish was granted with the birth of their twins, Hugo and Léa. “These are our little miracles, we no longer believed in them. We were incredibly lucky,” confides Sandrine, still moved by remembering these four years of fierce struggle to found her family. She who always imagined herself at the head of a large family of at least six children, had to resign himself to the disease. Because Sandrine is not in her first fight. And to understand the difficulties she encountered in giving birth, we must go back in time to 2008. That year, Sandrine noticed that she quickly ran out of steam and encountered some difficulties.

#Marseille #Hugo #Léa #miracle #twins #born #ovarian #tissue #transplant

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