A foreign tourist died in Lake Nahuel Huapi, in Bariloche

A 30 year old tourista Belgian national, died yesterday afternoon after throwing himself into the cold waters of Lake Nahuel Huapi. The woman he did not put out by his own means and was rescued by her partner and other people who were on the beach of Península San Pedro, in Bariloche.

The death of the young woman was labeled for the moment as a doubtful death and the autopsy will determine if it was a case of hypothermia or immersion.

The young woman’s couple and other people who observed the situation jumped into the water to get her out and after several minutes they were able to do it. When the firefighters and medical personnel arrived, her death was confirmed, around 5:30 p.m.

According to the portal Economic Barilochethe young he was on the shore of the lake playing with a dog who was thrown a ball into the water so that he would look for. But at one point, her toy drifted away from the shoreline and the woman jumped into the lake to retrieve it, but she couldn’t get out immediately.

Once she was rescued from the water, presumably lifeless, the people who were on the beach and the woman’s boyfriend, unsuccessful CPR resuscitation. The same was true of the firefighters from the Campanario barracks who were the first to arrive at the scene after the bathers warned.

The prosecution ordered the transfer of the body to the morgue, to determine the causes of death. The boyfriend was hospitalized with a picture of hypothermia.

The waters of the lakes and rivers of the mountain range have cold temperatures, which oscillate between 6° and 12°, so it is recommended to enter the water gradually to acclimatize the body.

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