A former member of parliament, his ex-wife, and 2 of her lover were injured in a quarrel between them in the gathering

A quarrel broke out between a former member of the House of Representatives in the Buhaira governorate with his ex-wife and 2 of her brothers due to differences between them in the Fifth Settlement, and as a result they were injured and taken to the hospital, and the detectives managed to arrest them and imprisoned them..

The emergency operations room received a report of a quarrel with firearms in the gathering and injuries, and immediately the detectives moved to the place to uncover the circumstances of the incident.

Through the examination, it was found that a quarrel took place in the assembly area, and injuries occurred between M.H.A., 62 years old, a former member of Parliament from the Itai Gunpowder constituency, who had fractures and sporadic wounds, and his ex-wife, S.A.M., 35 years old, had fractures, bruises and wounds, and 2 One of her brothers, “H.A.M.”, was severely injured, and “SH.A.T.”, a Moblia merchant, was shot because of differences between them, and they quarrelled between them with a firearm and knives, and both sides of the incident were arrested..


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