A free dental office for students in Poitiers, a first in France

2023-12-22 13:54:36

A first in France. In Poitiers, students now have access to a dental office. Three volunteer dental surgeons from the Aosis association take turns to allow them to receive free treatment. If necessary, they are then redirected to around ten dental surgeons who have committed to the university to receive their students for one hour per week.

The office is located on the Poitiers campus, within the premises of the Student Health Service. It is mainly aimed to students who cannot find a dentist in Vienne. They are cared for by Catherine Jazat, member of the Aosis association, composed of retired dental surgeons. She goes there half a day a week, three times a month.

“I took an oath to care for the sick”

Catherine Jazat’s schedule is already full until February. “I took an oath. If I did dentistry, it was above all to treat the sick”, proclaims Catherine Jazat who does not hesitate to overextend its schedules to take care of as many students as possible.

“We need more”

If necessary, students are then redirected to other dentists in Vienne, a partner of the system. “We need more“, regrets Nemat Jaafari, the vice-president of the University of Poitiers in charge of health and student precariousness. “There are approximately 180 dental surgeons in Vienne. If everyone gave one hour of their time per week, we would have 180 hours per week. Which would be huge!” enthuses this retired dental surgeon.

Partly funded by CVEC

The extension of the premises and the purchase of equipment cost 460.000 euros at the University of Poitiers, financed in part thanks to the CVEC, a tax that non-scholarship students pay each year. For each shift within the dental office, the University of Poitiers pays 300 euros to the Aosis association. As for the chair, it was donated by the Vienna Primary Health Insurance Fund. It is she who should, in principle, compensate the ten dental surgeons who agreed to give one hour of their time per week.

Ultimately, the university hopes to open more slots. An emergency, while 40% of students have already given up on healthcareaccording to a study carried out in 2020 by the Federation of General Student Associations.

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On 12/07/2023

After the failures of the “My Master” platform, the University of Poitiers is relaunching its recruitment

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#free #dental #office #students #Poitiers #France

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