A fur seal invaded my home, causing cat trauma. Unexpected visitor at New Zealand marine biologist’s home | HuffPost World

Marine biologist Phil Ross, a researcher at the University of Waikato in New Zealand, had an unexpected visitor at his home on August 17.visited. This visitor, although cute in appearance, seems to have completely frightened the house cat.

GuardianHis wife, Jen Ross, left the house around 6 a.m. this morning to go to the gym, according to the report. As she got into the car, she heard some barking and moving noises, but she thought it was the neighbor’s dog.

Jen returned home at 7:00 an hour later. When I entered her house, there was a small New Zealand fur seal in the house.

“[The fur seal]looked a little frightened and went down the hallway and into the room,” Phil told The Guardian.

Facebook / The University of Waikato

A fur seal that was on the sofa in the room and trying to climb up on the desk.

Jen managed to get the fur seal out of the front porch and into the garden, then called a Wildlife Service Ranger to bring it back to the ocean.

The 10- and 12-year-olds sleeping upstairs were also woken up by Jen to meet the fur seals, but unfortunately only Phil was absent. “This was probably an emergency at his home where a marine biologist would be the only help.”commentis doing.

Facebook / The University of Waikato

On the other hand, it was Coco, the family’s pet cat, who was traumatized by this incident. Phil believes the fur seals first encountered Coco outside the house and then followed the cat into the house through the pet entrance.

Phil said, “The cat was probably trying to defend his territory. I think the fur seals were chasing us,” he explains to The Guardian.

It seems that it was a pretty scary experience, and Coco was hiding in a neighbor’s house. After returning to her home, he didn’t come downstairs that day and seemed “clearly traumatized”.

Coco was traumatized by her encounter with fur seals
Coco was traumatized by her encounter with fur seals

Facebook / The University of Waikato

Phil’s house is about 150 meters from the beach, and it’s not uncommon to see fur seals in the neighborhood at this time of year. But it was the first time a fur seal had entered the house.

Phil said it was a young sea lion that had just gotten on its feet and was on land to avoid the storm.new zealand heraldtalking to

“At this time of year, fur seals may be seen on beaches, roads, and other places where they are not normally seen.” “Keep your distance and keep your dog away.”

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