A handy shortcut discovered for those punishing MW3 camouflage challenges

2023-12-25 16:28:13
Gaston Cuny

❘ Published: 2023-12-25T08:28:13 ❘ Updated: 2023-12-25T08:28:20

Not all camouflage challenges in Modern Warfare 3 are created equal, and some, like the equipment destruction challenges for casters, can be extremely painful to complete. Fortunately, one MW3 player has found a solution that allows you to complete the challenge in record time.

While there are those who managed to complete all the weapon camo challenges just a few days after MW3 launched, for many, getting every weapon in Gold to get their hands on the Interstellar camo is a massive undertaking.

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There are some camouflage challenges that are easier than others. Kills with weapons come with time. Things like headshots and prone kills aren’t too bad, but then there are the really annoying ones, like destroying equipment with launchers. If the enemy doesn’t throw any equipment, you don’t have to destroy anything.

However, one Modern Warfare 3 player has discovered that the game isn’t too picky about what gear you destroy in what is one of the simplest camouflage challenge bypasses in MW3.

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MW3 Player Discovers Shortcut for Launcher Camouflage Challenge

The hardest camouflage challenges to complete are always the ones that depend on the enemy doing something in particular to complete them. It’s sort of a waiting game to determine when you can take on the challenge.

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In the case of the launcher camouflage challenge to destroy equipment, however, Reddit user TheBlueAngel discovered that there is a deceptively simple way to get through this challenge.

By simply throwing down your own equipment and destroying it, players can quickly advance through the Launcher Camouflage Challenge by destroying it with your launcher of choice equipped. It really is that simple.

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OP recommends using the Engineer vest to get your hands on an ammo box, one of the fastest recharging field upgrades, but it would work on any of your own gear as long as it’s hit by a pitcher.

At the time of writing, this achievement is still possible to complete. If you’re on your way to Interstellar and launchers are standing in your way, complete these camouflage challenges while you can.

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