A health worker generates outrage by showing the busy schedule she has to care for her patients

The lack of doctors and material resources in Spain is an increasingly evident problem in the health sector caused by underfunding. A reality that often translates into hospital collapse and the overwork to which doctors are subjectednurses and other employees in the sector who affirm that the lack of professionals has become a real state problem, as has the lack of reasonable working conditions.

This has been demonstrated once again thanks to the healthcare provider Teresa Méndez, who has gone viral with a tweet in which she shares her busy schedule to care for her patients. An image that has not taken long to put the focus back on the need for decent conditions for health workers.

The words of sanctity. “I did not study Medicine to treat my patients like this. Not even to treat myself like that. I love my specialty, Family and Community Medicine. Absolutely necessary. In defense of #AtencionPrimaria #YoApoyoAPrimaria”explains Teresa next to an image in which you can see how you only have five minutes to care for each of your patients.

Not only that, in addition to the few minutes assigned to each patient, the messages next to each hour are the following: “Teleconsultation demand, urgent, demand and scheduled”, all of them interspersed.

The networks have questioned the quality of the health system and the need to hire more doctors

@tessa_mg/ Twitter

in numbers. A situation that has not taken long to attract the attention of social networks, so much so that in a matter of days the tweet has gone viral with more than 4,000 “likes” and all kinds of comments about it, most of them questioning the quality of the health system.

top comments. “Whoever allows agendas like this is attacking, knowingly or out of sheer culpable ignorance, against patients and the health system?”, “Politicians don’t care at all. Only the immediacy of the h//attention. They don’t care about quality and that there is no security when seeing so many patients and playing with the health of patients and doctors”, “I think it is a feeling shared by all of us who love primary school”, “Without AP and doctors of MFyC this system is broken. We will have to create another system, but in the meantime only disaster awaits us. I feel sorry for our patients”, “Completely agree. The policy exercised by the different parties, only achieves that the necessary changes are not made, and the resources are increased so that things work. And so we are…”, “And how can you do this? It seems impossible to me, more doctors are needed, more nurses and your profession is much more paid”, “Well, oddly enough, we have been with agendas like this for a long time, too much, we should publish them daily in the press and on TV so that people understand the dimension of the problem” or “That is inhumane. 2, 3 and 5 minute gaps”, have been some of the most popular reactions.

Via @tessa_mg

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