A healthy life is important… Diseases to watch out for by generation of women

[아이뉴스24 정종오 기자] The status of women gradually increased and social activities became more active. She often does childcare and housework at the same time, so it is easy to neglect her own health. In order for women to maintain a healthy life, there are diseases that each generation must pay attention to.

Children and adolescents should be checked for ‘precocious puberty’

According to data from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, the number of children and adolescents treated for precocious puberty increased from 28,251 in 2010 to 136,334 in 2020, about a fivefold increase in 11 years.

Precocious puberty is diagnosed when secondary sexual characteristics appear in girls under 8 years of age and boys under 9 years of age. When diagnosing precocious puberty, it is necessary to determine whether there is a causative disease such as a central nervous system tumor or an ovarian tumor, and if the causative disease is found as a result of the examination, treatment should be performed together.

It is estimated that 80-90% of the causes of precocious puberty are idiopathic, but related to family history and environmental hormones. In the case of puberty, a correlation was confirmed with body fat mass in childhood. It has been reported that children with a higher body mass index start developing breasts at an earlier age and have earlier menarche as well as secondary sexual characteristics.

Childhood obesity not only has complications of obesity, but also accelerates puberty and affects growth and development.

In girls with precocious puberty, menstruation may occur earlier, which may result in premature closure of growth plates, which may lead to growth disorders. If a breast lump or pubic hair develops before the age of 8, you should suspect precocious puberty and visit a hospital for examination.

If diagnosed with precocious puberty, sexual development can be suppressed through injection therapy that limits the secretion of sex hormones. Along with treatment, regular exercise and healthy eating habits should be followed to maintain an appropriate weight, and to minimize exposure to environmental hormones by refraining from using disposable containers.

There are diseases that each generation of women should be aware of. [사진=힘찬병원]

◆Young people, 2030 ‘cervical cancer’ surge → Both men and women should get the vaccine

Cervical cancer is a female genital cancer that develops in the cervix, the entrance to the uterus. The incidence is high in young people. According to data from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, the number of cervical cancer patients increased from 57,164 in 2016 to 61,892 in 2020, an increase of 8% in about five years. During the same period, the number of patients in their 20s and 30s increased by 22% from 14,572 to 17,806.

Cervical cancer can be detected early through regular screening. However, there are no noticeable early symptoms, so regular check-ups are important. For women aged 20 to 70, cell testing is recommended every year, and free national health checkups are available every two years.

The main cause of cervical cancer is human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. More than 200 types of HPV have been identified so far. Of these, about 40 are caused by sexual contact. Types 16, 18, 32, and 33 belong to the high-risk group. Cervical cancer is almost the only cancer that can be prevented with a vaccine because the cause is clear.

Gardasil’s domestic vaccination recommendations are for females aged 9 to 45 years and males aged 9 to 26. Before starting a sexual life, the younger you are, the higher the antibody production, the more effective it is to be vaccinated early. HPV is transmitted through sexual contact, so it is recommended that men get the vaccine as well.

‘Osteoporosis’ should be managed from middle age onwards

There are certain things that no woman can avoid. is menopause As we age, the ovaries age, the female hormones decrease, and menopause gradually stops ovulation. The menopause transition refers to the period until the last menstrual period when the menstrual cycle becomes irregular.

The menopause transition starts at the age of 46 on average and takes about 4 to 5 years. Menopause symptoms mainly appear during the transition to menopause and after menopause. During this time, bone density drops sharply. Bone composed of collagen, calcium, phosphorus, etc. maintains homeostasis by the bone replacement process in which old bone tissue is replaced with new bone tissue. During menopause, estrogen, which is involved in bone formation, decreases significantly, and the amount of bone replenished rather than destroyed increases the risk of osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis refers to a condition in which bone strength is weakened and fractures are highly likely. In severe cases, even a small impact such as coughing or falling can cause fractures. When a hip fracture occurs, there is a 15-20% chance of death within 1 year and a cumulative mortality rate of 60% within 8 years, which is why it is called the silent killer.

For a healthy life after middle age, continuous management is required from the stage of osteopenia, just before osteoporosis.

Jeong Da-un, head of gynecology at Incheon Himchan General Hospital, said, “It is recommended that women get a bone mineral density test before menopause, when the loss of bone mineral density accelerates, and prevent osteoporosis through treatment such as hormone therapy from the osteopenia stage.” “Every March 8 Work is ‘International Women’s Day’ and we need to pay attention to women’s healthy lives as well,” she said.

/Reporter Jeong Jong-oh([email protected])

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