A Mother’s Pause – Nyakrotun

Mom, playing the role of a mother is tiring, isn’t it? I wanted to open this post with a question, have you ever felt tired of being a mother? But that’s a question that seems like really what. No need to answer rhetorical, and already know the answer. Tired. Tired. Physically. Mentally.

I’m not asking you to romanticize our roles. Mother, whose title is truly noble, is an extraordinary role. Yes, we know that, don’t we? We are also aware, happy and grateful to live our role, our daily life. But we are also ordinary people. Who can get tired and need to take a break.

A mother, in my opinion, must routinely take breaks. To listen more to yourself, who are already too full of the voices of children and husbands. Take time (me time) for yourself, to be more comfortable with yourself. Not just me time to escape for a moment, but quality me time. Which can refill our love tank until it’s ready to pour it out for the family.

This is my story that because I often forget and miss taking breaks, I am finally ‘forced’ by circumstances. Alias ​​sick and healing to the hospital for two days. Own :”).

Ignoring Body Signals

Actually, since the beginning of November, the body already feels bad. On November 6th there was an event, the night before I had asked my husband to smoke it, drink Tolak Angin and then sleep. Feel good, finally in the morning still go. But the whole event was not really good. Sweat pouring down but it feels cold. When my husband picked me up, I stopped to eat chicken noodles to warm my body. That feels good. Coming home from rest, I immediately took a literacy class at Saung Aksara.

Also Read: Creative Art in the Saung Aksara Style

The days after that I never had an appetite. Just imagine comfort food, which is usually a mainstay, nothing that is appetizing. Finally, I overeat several times sob. Then the Wednesday after, it rained. Even if you wear a raincoat, it’s still cold, right? Then at night he was feverish and had diarrhea in the morning. It’s not complete.

The bestie is so weak, she even asked a neighbor to pick up the children from school. I also take computer lessons off. That evening I went to the doctor in a helpless condition, exhausted with diarrhea and vomiting. I couldn’t stand it, in the car I immediately took medicine from the doctor and then lay down in the middle seat. I don’t like the taste.

Thank God that night I slept well, and when I woke up in the morning I felt much better. So yes, I went through my activities as usual. Until Sunday, the handle of the corpse care training event had already been prepared long ago.

Eee lhaa, at night he was incredibly dizzy and vomited again. Finally my husband took me to the ER. I was thinking about what the children will be like, what work to do, when is it time to work on this report. Kaaan, when you’re sick, how come it’s so hard to think about yourself? Huft.

Hello IGD

Negotiations with my husband, which hospital do I want to go to? The choice is closer to home or closer to the office. But remembering that my husband would be different, so in the end I just chose the one near the office. The emergency room was quiet because it was late at night, around 9am if I’m not mistaken.

After this examination, blood was taken, which I don’t know how many times it moved because the blood vessels were constantly bursting. He said the veins are small, ma’am. And ends up using a syringe that’s for babies, wow. Put the IV in, and enter the room.

After making sure everything was in order, my husband went home. Because early in the morning you have to take your children to school. I was thinking about going back in the morning, but I was afraid to rush it because it’s probably too far from the hospital from home. So yeah, okay, I’ll sleep alone.

Hwaaa, who usually sleeps always with Ammar, ngelonin, it’s so lonely alone.

And predictably, it even becomes hard to sleep dweh :”)

When was the last time I was in the hospital, when Ammar was born, and it wasn’t sick, right? Heuheu, more than 2 years. Husband said, already consider healing. Anyway, let the BPJS be used, every month it’s been deducted from the office, Ahahahaha. To be honest, you don’t have to use it or not.

So Take a Pause

So talk a lot with yourself. Apologize because it feels like you’ve been too busy and boisterous outside, that you forgot to look inside. Reflecting again, setting priorities again, feeling that work has taken up too much of my mind and energy so far.

Being an empowering volunteer in the village, maybe it’s not just called a job. Because he is so united with the soul and body. Demanding ideas, ideas, execution, evaluation, not to mention responsibility both in the form of reports and morals. So draining. We will discuss this in more detail sometime.

Healing at the hospital for 2 days, meeting my husband at lunch and dinner. Eat nutritiously and regularly, keep taking medication, have diarrhea and vomiting. Finally can go home. I call it rinse. There’s been no story of the body feeling a little better when it comes to activities it collapses again. Heuheu.

And mentally it’s much better. Calmer, more relieved, happier. Masha Allah. Ya Allah, meeting children too, it feels more fulfilling. I really miss it because we are usually together. Beyond happy, thank God ❤

So Ma’am, routinely take breaks. Don’t let circumstances force you, like my story. Being a mother who is physically and mentally healthy is not a destination, but a journey. So, of course, you have to be treated often, Mrs. Hug yourself often and give yourself positive affirmations.

Self that is so great and strong, until now.

Tons of love,

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