A new album by Gaston: a lese-Franquin crime

In his studio in Boisfort in August 1996 (a few months before his death), André Franquin said these words for a radio interview:

If you had to prepare your last wishes as you get older, I would really say “never have someone else draw Gaston!”

(Words taken from my book “Le Duel Tintin-Spirou” published in 1997 by Luc Pire editions, p.165)

Quebec designer Delaf is the lucky (?) elected chosen by the current editorial directors of Dupuis to create a new Gaston album this year. How did the co-author (with Dubuc) of the series “Les Nombrils” accept this immoral and above all, impossible mission? Because if the general public will rush to this album – commercial success is assured, Delaf will have to wipe a shower of murderous criticism from Franquin’s admirers. Because Franquin is more than a comic strip author: he is a god of drawing, venerated by thousands of fans. And for this knowledgeable and demanding public, Gaston is an untouchable myth.

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