A new trailer for Nintendo Switch Sports

The new Switch Sports game, slated for April 29, will transport gamers to Spocco Square and give gamers plenty of reasons to strap on their Joy-Con straps.

Nintendo Switch Sports is upon us, and in the meantime, Nintendo brings us a detailed trailer of the various modes and sports available.

According to the preview, Nintendo Switch Sports will take players to Spocco Square, a sports complex that will serve as the game’s main menu. Wii Sports Resort. The new sports are soccer, volleyball and badminton. Golf will also be added as a free DLC this fall.

The trailer also showcases several varieties of optional gameplay and multiplayer modes that look fun to give more gameplay possibilities.

Players will, for example, have the option of adding obstacles in their path when playing bowling to spice up the games. They can also play Survival Bowling, a mode that pits 16 random online players in a bowling tournament. For fencing, they can also choose between 3 different types of swords, including one that charges up with energy and electrocutes the opponent.

The new trailer also showed an example of action for each of the movements requested in the game. Like soccer where it will be possible to kick the ball if you buy the physical version of the game which includes a Joy-Con strap for the leg. Of course, as this is a game that is played entirely in motion-control, you will have to move and above all attach your Joy-Con well. The presenter calmly makes the movements, but we know that most players will have to be very careful not to break everything around them.

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