A nutritional treasure, a therapeutic wealth, and a medicinal power, the benefits and health gains are not limited to just one tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach.

A nutritional treasure, therapeutic wealth, and medicinal power, <a data-ail="2611749" target="_self" href="https://www.archyde.com/category/health/" >health</a> benefits and gains are not limited to just one tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach.

Health benefits of eating olive oil on an empty stomachThe health benefits of olive oil are very many. It is medicine, prevention and food. Its benefits do not stop at the digestive system, the immune system and blood circulation. Rather, its effects extend to reach the health of the skin, hair and nails. The benefits and gains do not stop here as well, but extend to the liver to clean it of toxins and also shares olive oil. Olives burn fat and lose weight, it is one tablespoon of olive oil that changes your body and strengthens your health and ends with many digestive problems, if any.

The health benefits of eating olive oil on the body

Nutrients found in olive oil: Olive oil contains a lot of healthy elements and nutrients, including the following vitamin E: Vitamin E is one of the most important antioxidants that works to protect the cells and tissues of the human body’s organs from damage as a result of free radicals, and this vitamin also works on Maintaining the integrity of nerve conduction, enhancing physical immunity, and helping to expand blood vessels and arteries; And protect it from blood clotting inside, in addition to its role in enhancing the physical ability to use vitamin K. Vitamin K: Vitamin K is one of the most important fat-soluble vitamins, and it has many advantages, as it helps the body to form essential proteins for blood clotting and bone building.

The healing power of olive oil

Polyphenols: They are compounds of plant origin, if we regularly consume them, they will improve the digestion process, and they also reduce the risk of many diseases, such as: diabetes (type II), in addition to certain types of cancer, and heart diseases. ; This is because it can reduce platelet aggregation, which in turn leads to the possibility of a heart attack. Monounsaturated fats: Monounsaturated fats contain many important and essential nutrients and compounds in the process of maintaining the health of bodily cells, in addition to working to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol inside the body, which leads to a reduction in the risk of heart disease, as well as strokes. cerebral palsy.

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