A nutritional treasure in winter.. 6 fruits that boost immunity

Although winter is pleasant, it brings many different diseases and viral infections. Therefore, it is important to follow a diet that strengthens immunity, as it must contain some winter foods that are a nutritional treasure to increase immunity.

However, it is often noted that people tend to reduce their visits to the fruit market during the winter season, which puts them at risk of infection and other viral diseases, according to the specialized medical site “onlymyhealth”, which reported that fruits rich in vitamin C are useful for strengthening the immune system.

The site presented 5 winter fruits that can be eaten this season:

1- Orange

Start with orange. This winter fruit is rich in vitamin C and calcium. Eating oranges daily helps greatly in strengthening the immune system. Apart from this, it prevents skin damage and can help in weight loss. It also helps lower blood cholesterol levels, which provides protection against other diseases.


2- Guava

Loaded with vitamin C, this winter fruit contains antioxidants that fight dangerous free radical activity in the body. It also contains a good amount of fiber. This makes it an excellent fruit for improving digestion.



3- Cranberries

Cranberries provide you with Vitamin C. Where sweet red berries reduce the risk of coronary artery disease and lower cholesterol levels. You can also sprinkle cranberries in your salads.



4- Kiwi

This refreshing green fruit is a rich source of Vitamin C. Apart from boosting the immune system, this soft green fruit also helps in regulating blood pressure, preventing blood clotting and improving vision. Its antioxidant properties also help eliminate free radicals within the body.



5- Pomegranate

Joint pain in the season of cold breezes is very common in young and old alike. The season can be challenging, especially for people with arthritis. Eating pomegranate can also help because it contains vitamin K, which strengthens bones. This red fruit is also an excellent source of fiber and vitamin C. Thus, prevention of other diseases.



6- Custard apple

This is another vitamin C-rich fruit that you can add to your winter diet. In addition to containing important minerals such as calcium and magnesium. It also contains vitamin B6. Note that the antioxidant properties of custard apple make it more beneficial.



It is concluded that adding this fruit to your diet in the winter season will not only help in strengthening your immune system but will also give you additional health benefits, thus avoiding the prevailing seasonal diseases and infections. You can also try this fruit and it can be eaten as salads or juices.

Besides having this fruit in your diet, start exercising. This will help in further strengthening the immune system and the general functions of the body.

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