A quick diet to sculpt body and burn fat.. Try it and keep fit

Lots of ladies and girls are looking for A quick diet to sculpt body and burn fatFrom eliminating excess weight, and getting the slim figure that every girl dreams of, that is why we decided to present to you today a fast-acting diet to burn fat in just thirty days.

A quick diet to sculpt body and burn fat

A quick diet to sculpt body and burn fat requires you to follow some steps, namely:

first week

the breakfast

Four tablespoons of beans, with a slice of toast, with a piece of cottage cheese.

Or one boiled egg, with a slice of toast age.


A plate of green salad, with a plate of boiled vegetables, with half a boiled or grilled chicken.


Two cups of light yogurt.

second week

the breakfast

A piece of fat-free cheese, with a slice of diet toast.


Half a chicken of boiled or grilled chicken, with a plate of sauteed vegetables, with three tablespoons of basmati rice.


A cup of fat-free yogurt.

the third week

the breakfast

A cup of tea or coffee without sugar.


A plate of green salad, with boiled or grilled fish.


A piece of fat-free cheese, with toast and a cup of tea or coffee without sugar.

fourth week

the breakfast

A cup of tea without sugar, with a boiled egg.


A plate of green salad with a piece of grilled or boiled meat.


A cup of skimmed milk without sugar, with toast.

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