A raccoon stuck on the train tracks, his testicles stuck to the rails: the story behind this TikTok buzz (VIDEO)

This is a story that has something to smile regarding and that ends well. As relayed The Journal of Montrealthe scene took place last December in Georgia, in the United States, where temperatures flirted with -12°.

A raccoon was trapped by standing too close to the rail in these freezing temperatures. Consequence: his testicles remained stuck to the rails because of the frost. The animal was doomed to death because a train was regarding to pass. But miraculously, two railway workers passing by rescued him.

How ? While one poured hot water on the raccoon’s testicles, the other freed it by shoving lightly under the animal’s buttocks.

In the meantime, the video, shared on TikTok, is going viral with over 4.6 million views and 500,000 likes.

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