A shock shakes the artistic community.. Selena Gomez turns into a lesbian.. and falls in love with this famous artist.. who is she?!

It’s 02:10 am
Island Bay | Follow Favorite

International star Selena Gomez represented gays in her series Only Murderers in The Building in its second season, where it turns out that her character in the series is a lesbian and falls in love with Alice, played by star Cara Delevingne.

The series stars Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez.

It revolves around three people who meet because of their love for a crime podcast, and suddenly find themselves caught up in one crime. When a horrific crime takes place inside an exclusive Upper West Side apartment building, the trio suspect murder and use their exact knowledge of the true crime to investigate, the trio soon realize a killer may be living among them as they race to decipher the codes before it’s too late.

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