A shocking study.. Sugar causes Alzheimer’s disease

O people, eat of what is in the earth, lawful and good, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan, for he is an avowed enemy to you (Al-Baqarah: 168).

Try to reduce, as much as possible, the consumption of sweets, juices, coffee and tea with sugar, and eat sugar in its natural form in fruits, fruits and dates. A distinction should be made between the natural sugar present in fruits and natural fruits, and in general everything that grows on the earth, and it is called fruit sugar or fructose, and it is surrounded by natural fibers that lead to its absorption slowly in the stomach, and thus the slow rise in the level of glucose sugar in the blood and the secretion of insulin slowly, and between the added refined sugar that is derived From refined sugar cane and high-fructose corn juice, which is added to sweets and sweetened drinks and in the vast majority of processed and canned foods, which is quickly absorbed by the body and enters the bloodstream almost instantly after eating it, which leads to an increase in the level of sugar in the blood and exhaustion of the pancreas by secreting insulin quickly and a feeling of fullness quickly And this leads to a continuous circle of addiction to eating carbohydrates and sugars because this continuous rapid rise and fall in the level of sugar in the blood over the years has devastating effects on the human body and there are many studies that link it with chronic diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and cancer knowing that people in ancient times She did not know refined sugar and was generally not exposed to the diseases of our time .

Likewise, the calorie content of foods, fruits, and fruits in their natural solid form is much lower than drinking natural fruit juices. For example, you can eat one or two oranges before feeling full and satisfied, but if you squeeze the orange and get rid of the fiber in the fruit, you can drink two cups of orange juice. It contains seven or eight oranges, which leads to an increase in blood sugar and obesity.

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