A simple way to help maintain oral health and avoid the risk of Alzheimer’s

Brushing your teeth twice daily is the best way to keep them white and healthy, but this practice may not be enough when it comes to diseases other than oral health.

A new study showed that regular dental flossing along with brushing teeth can help avoid the possibility of Alzheimer’s disease, “dementia,” according to Russia Today.

Finnish researchers discovered that people with gum disease and tooth loss were nearly as likely to have this severe condition.

Dementia causes a gradual loss of memory and other cognitive functions, such as confusion and loss of humor.

Experts from the University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, suggested that regular brushing and flossing, especially in middle age, could be effective in helping prevent disease.

It is already believed that poor oral hygiene increases the risk of a number of health problems, from cancer to heart disease.

Previous studies have also found a link between gum disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

And while some researchers have said that a bacteria known to cause gum disease – F. nucleatum – may be involved in causing Alzheimer’s disease, the new study suggests there is no conclusive evidence that poor oral health definitely causes dementia.

The researchers said the link may actually occur because people with dementia forget to brush their teeth in the early stages of the disease.

The latest research, in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Association, pooled data from 47 other studies that looked at the association between cognitive decline or dementia and oral health.

The team investigated the effect of periodontal disease – often known as gingivitis – on the brain.

Periodontitis occurs when plaque builds up between the teeth and leaves the gums red, swollen and painful.

It can be prevented by regular brushing and flossing, as most of the plaque builds up.

The researchers discovered that having periodontal disease increases the chances of developing dementia by 21%.

They also looked at the impact of tooth loss that often occurs due to periodontal disease. The study showed that tooth loss can increase the chances of developing dementia by 13%.

However, lead author Dr Sam Asher from the University of Eastern Finland said the quality of evidence suggesting oral health is responsible for dementia is “low”. Nevertheless, he still stressed the importance of “monitoring and managing oral health in the context of dementia prevention”.

Take care of your oral health

Maintaining general oral hygiene will protect you from gum disease, but unfortunately, as you get older, you are more prone to such diseases.

Daily oral hygiene and plaque control can prevent gum disease, but you should also visit your dentist every six months.

To effectively care for oral health:

Brush your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day

Clean between your teeth every day with floss or an interdental brush

Replace your toothbrush every one to three months

Visit your dentist and dental hygienist for regular check-ups, especially for pregnant women and type 2 diabetics

– stop smoking

The risk of developing dementia can build up over time, in part due to genetic factors that cannot be changed.

In general, you can reduce your odds of developing dementia by eating a healthy diet, exercising, refraining from smoking and limiting alcohol intake.

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