A story of souvenirs, theater and Marché-Concours

The public was able to discover for the first time the piece specially commissioned for the 125th anniversary of the Marché-Concours: “Le Retour aux Franches”. On Friday evening, the spectators were at the rendezvous in the Halle cantine de Saignelégier to discover this original creation, signed Pablo Jakob Montefusco (writing) and Stéphane Thies (directing). A show, a tribute to the horse event, which does not talk much about horses, but rather about heritage, identity, family or even theater…

Pablo Jakob Montefusco, who wrote the play, wanted to combine the history of the Marché-Concours with more personal stories. Thus, the play features Mona, interpreted by Laura Chaignat. Mona is a young director from the Franches-Montagnes, who left her region to make a living from her art in Geneva. However, she returns to the Jura to direct a play that will stir her memories. The young woman will have to face her heritage, the path she has traveled and the one she would like to take.

The piece alternates humorous moments (special mention to the rap of the trio of actors played by Anaïs Lhériau, Tania Vega and Bruno Creti) and emotional moments, often introspective. The director wanted a modern play, led by young actors: “It’s important for the region to show how present theatrical youth are”, emphasizes Stéphane Thies. Result un clever mix of entertainment and freshness.

The play “Le Retour aux Franches” is still being played until August 11, more info ici. /cto

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