A stranger buried in place of their mother

An English family had a very unpleasant surprise when they went to lay flowers on their father’s grave: a stranger had been buried in the space reserved for their mother nearby.

How? ‘Or’ What ? Why ? When? To date, the Robinson family still has no answer, according to the BBC.

Penny Robinson had bought a double site in the cemetery of the church of St Leonard, in Lincolnshire (east of England), hoping to be able to rest there one day in peace alongside her husband Trevor.

While going to carry flowers to his grave last week, their son Benjamin discovered the mistake: someone had been buried in the space reserved for Mrs. Robinson.

The parish has apologized for this “terrible mistake”, and is currently looking for a solution. Asked by AFP, she did not immediately respond.

According to Benjamin Robinson, there is now no more space to bury their mother alongside her husband, with whom she lived for 40 years.

“Having to break the news to my mum has been painful and the family is really upset,” he told the BBC, adding that his mum was very upset.

“They offered us money, but we’re not interested,” added his brother Luke.

They were also told that their mother could be cremated, and placed in the space between the two graves. “What she doesn’t want to do,” her son said, adding that the proposal added to the family’s distress.

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