a treatment that wouldn’t damage healthy cells is being tested

2023-08-04 10:11:00

Research for the treatment of cancer continues to evolve and to bring treatments allow more and more satisfactory results.

Indeed, the figures reflecting the progress of research are eloquent: 1 cancer out of 2 is cured today compared to 1 cancer out of 3 20 years ago.

A pill capable of destroying cancer cells without affecting healthy cells

City of Hope researchers released a new study on August 1 detailing the results of targeted chemotherapy they developed that appears to wipe out all solid tumors in several cancers.

The team started from the fact that most of the targeted therapies proposed to treat cancer only focus on a single pathway. This allows tricky cancers to mutate and become resistant.

So, the pill developed over the two decades by the team (AOH1996) makes it possible to target a protein which, in its mutated formula, is essential for DNA replication and the repair of all expanding tumors.

“The results are promising. AOH1996 can suppress tumor growth as monotherapy or as combination therapy in cellular and animal models without causing toxicity. The experimental chemotherapy is currently in a Phase 1 human clinical trial at City of Hope,” said study lead author Linda Malkas.

A promising cancer treatment

“Our cancer pill is like a blizzard shutting down a key airline hub, halting all inbound and outbound flights only on planes carrying cancer cells,” Linda Malkas explained.

AOH1996 would be all the more interesting as it would make it possible to treat several types of cancer. It has been effective in preclinical research dealing with cells derived from breast, prostate, brain, ovarian, cervix, skin, and lung cancers.

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