A Venezuelan child died in Darién after an armed attack against migrants

The surviving man is also Venezuelan, and is the uncle of the murdered boy. While the woman is of Dominican origin.

A six-year-old Venezuelan boy died and two migrant adults were injured after being attacked by an armed group while crossing the Darien jungle.

The National Border Service (Senafront) of Panama reported that the event was recorded in the area of ​​Tres Bocas, province of Darién.

“A group of migrants were assaulted by people with a foreign accent in combination with indigenous Panamanians, which resulted in a deceased child of approximately 6 years, an injured woman and an older man,” the agency detailed.

The surviving man is also Venezuelan, and is the uncle of the murdered boy. While the woman is of Dominican origin.

The minor’s body was transferred to the Santa Fe morgue, while the survivors were already rescued, evacuated and transferred to a hospital where they receive medical attention.

Senafront also reported that as a preliminary result of their actions, a 380-caliber weapon was found in the community of Marragantí, as well as illegal substances, and they continue to search for those responsible for the attack.

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