A young man in his thirties suffers greatly every night while he sleeps… And when he puts a surveillance camera? !

In the details of a strange incident, a man felt an abnormal movement in the house, one morning, and he was exposed to the situation more than once over the past week, so he decided to install surveillance cameras in his bedroom to reach the main reason for what is happening.

According to the British newspaper, “Mirror”, a 31-year-old young man, who lives in a small town in western Britain, felt an abnormal condition in his home that occurs only at night times and results in movement in the room.

The young man thought that this movement might be ghosts, especially after hearing that the resident who rented the house before him had committed suicide with his daughter in the kitchen, due to depression, although he was known for his lightness and love of life, but his death shocked everyone.

The young man installed a camera on top of his bed, and that night he slept peacefully, but woke up the next morning to watch the video clip that the camera recorded during the night.

The young man was surprised when he saw what was recorded by the surveillance camera, that the reason for the abnormal movement was a large mouse the size of a cat that lives in his closet and goes out at night, and he confirmed that when he repeated the same action more than once.

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