Abandon the fast food thinking, be patient and put the aesthetics of the characters first – the creative idea of ​​the online costume drama “The Stars of the Han Dynasty”-Qianlong.com.cn

Source title: Abandoning fast food thinking and being patient with character aesthetics – the creative idea of ​​the online costume drama “Stars and Han Splendid”

There have always been various attempts in the creation of online costume dramas: either centering on visual spectacles, diligently seeking exquisite shapes and fantastic landscapes; or expressing eachother’s vows between the hero and heroine, creating a state of long-term love; or using allusions and old history to express emotions. The strangeness and interculturality inherent in costume dramas provide creators with a broad imagination space.

An excellent film and television drama work, first of all, is the success of a high-quality drama with literature as the core. The theme, structure, characters, scenes and other elements are not only in line with the long-term accumulation of effective laws in the creation of film and television dramas, but also have the author’s unique personal perception and analysis. Only in this way can the works be watchable and repeatable, and can satisfy the audience’s “teaching psychology”, making the works extremely aesthetic value and ideological depth.

The online costume drama “Xinghan is brilliant” is adapted from the novel “Xinghan is brilliant, fortunately even”. The play does not pursue the harem fighting in the harem, nor does it pursue gold and iron horses and bloody storms. Instead, it revolves around Cheng Shaoshang, a noble girl who has been away from her parents for a long time due to her aunt’s evil plans. She and the young general Ling Budo know each other, love each other and heal each other. And join hands to resolve the national crisis slowly unfolded. There are more than 100 characters in the whole play, but there are hundreds of people and faces. Each character has their own unique desires and ways of doing things. Each of them revolves around the main narrative line of the whole play and is constantly influenced or influenced. Especially a few aristocratic teenagers, Ling Budoubi is heroic, Yuan Shen is talented, and Lou Yao is warm and lovely. What they thought of Cheng Shaoshang was also because Cheng Shaoshang was maverick and had no mournful and pretentious attitude. These main characters constitute the main character relationships of “The Splendid Star”, and the character relationship map constructed by them is also large and clear, which makes every plot of the play linked to each other, and carefully builds the story of the whole play plot.

This kind of construction with meticulous character creation and complex relationships is the “traffic code” for the author to realize that it is a high-quality drama, which shows the author’s relatively deep understanding of the basic laws of creation. Especially the attention to the inner world of the main characters makes the audience peep from the original.”familyThe secretive psychology of “secret news” gradually deepens to pay attention to the psychological secrets of people, and then to the psychological level, which increases the ambiguity of the text. For example, when revealing the formation of Cheng Shaoshang’s maverick character, the creator The focus is on the influence of the family of origin on the formation of personal life concepts. Cheng Shaoshang felt that her mother was alienated from her, and after several attempts to get close to her failed, she was very depressed and helpless, but she lived away from her parents for many years to protect herself. Persist, so that she can give herself a clear principle of life: instead of trying to please those who have a prejudice against you, it is better to be kind to yourself, expect less from others, and live more freely. The psychological trauma caused by the original family makes Cheng Shaoshang has ruled out trust in others and has formed a clear concept of self-interest. However, with her contact with several noble teenagers, especially with Ling Budo, who also became just and cold because of her injuries when she was young After the contact, her concept was constantly revised. Ling Budo’s selfless and altruistic spirit made Cheng Shaoshang doubt his principles of life. When she really accepted Ling Budo, He also came out of that little corner of his own psychology and became a person who uses his own intelligence and ingenuity to be a “sage inside and king outside” to benefit others.

This kind of high attention to the changes in the inner world of the characters has been carefully considered by the author. As Li Yu, a writer in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, said, “the death is not “hurriedly”, but “they do nothing.” The attitude of “sick writing later” makes each character have their own voices, vivid and full, and they are not scattered gold and jade, broken pearls.

In such a costume drama that integrates elements of family and youth growth, the author also attaches great importance to the connection between these fictional characters and real life, which is why the drama can quickly empathize with the audience. In the play, the other heroine, Chau, who has been fostered in her aunt’s house since she was a child, has always been ashamed of herself for having a treacherous and despised mother. Her aunt, who could see what was on her mind, advised her not to feel ashamed when she heard others criticize her mother, “Our parents are not only affected by physical hair and skin, but also by your character. If your parents have the right character, If your parents are lacking, you should take precautions. Remember, your words and deeds are the best accessories on your body.” “Parents can’t be your support for life, you have your own mental and perseverance. so that we are not afraid of falling mountains and seas, and we must stand on our own like a big tree whenever and wherever.” The troubles she faces are also another kind of influence that the native family brings to the children, and this enlightenment is the help that many children who are under such psychological pressure are looking forward to. When young viewers who feel the same way see this, they will be able to re-examine their life and attitude, and gain the motivation to start again.

“Bright Star” was broadcast exclusively on the Internet, but it was not influenced by “fast food culture” to please the audience. While creating a visual spectacle that fits the plot, it pays more attention to the polishing of the play itself, especially the characters’ ideological gaps. Explore, excavate and display, so that its characters have special aesthetic value. It is this subdued creative spirit that makes the play not only widely disseminated, but also has a constant value that can be repeated and chewed.

Wen/Wu Runner-up Professor of the Film and Television Department of the Central Academy of Drama, head of the Film and Media Research Center

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