Abdication of Queen Margrethe II and Proclamation of King Frederik X: Live Updates and Details

2024-01-14 13:19:08


Queen Margrethe II signed her declaration of abdication

Queen Margrethe II signed her declaration of abdication, alongside future King Frederik and his son Prince Christian, during a state council with the Danish government at Christiansborg Palace.

Before Frederik’s official proclamation as king, scheduled for around 3 p.m., the sovereign returned to Amalienborg Palace by car, to the cheers of the Copenhagen crowd.


Queen Margrethe II and Prince Frederik arrived at Christiansborg Palace

After a short procession through the crowds of Copenhagen, Queen Margrethe II and Prince Frederik have just arrived at Christiansborg Palace.

It is here, at the seat of the Danish Parliament, that the sovereign must officially sign her declaration of abdication, during a council of state organized with the Danish government.


Queen Margrethe II acclaimed by the crowd in Copenhagen

While strolling in a carriage through the streets of the Danish capital to reach Christiansborg Palace, where she is to sign her declaration of abdication, Queen Margrethe II is loudly cheered by the crowd as she passes.

In the crowded streets surrounding Palace Square, people wave Danish flags and applaud the monarch.


Prince Frederik and Queen Margrethe II leave Amalienborg Castle

Prince Frederik has left Amalienborg Castle, the winter residence of the Danish royal family.

Accompanied by his wife, Princess Mary and his eldest son Prince Christian, the future king goes to Christiansborg Palace, seat of the Danish Parliament, the Ministry of State and the Supreme Court, to begin the transfer of power.

The car of Prince Frederik of Denmark, heading to the headquarters of Parliament for the abdication of Queen Margrethe II, January 14, 2024. © Nicolai Lorenzen – AFP

He is followed by Queen Margrethe II, who follows the same route in a carriage, escorted by the guard hussar regiment.

The carriage of Queen Margrethe II, heading to the headquarters of the Danish Parliament to sign her declaration of abdication, January 14, 2024. © Nikolai Linares / Ritzau Scanpix – AFP


“The friendship between us remains eternal”: the King of Sweden, Carl Gustav, sends a message to his cousin Margrethe II

A few hours before the abdication of Margrethe II, the King of Sweden, Carl Gustav, wanted to send a message of support to the Danish sovereign, who is at the same time his first cousin.

“I would like to thank you warmly for the good cooperation that has been established over the years. Your role has changed, but the friendship between us remains eternal and unwavering,” he wrote in a statement posted on Twitter .

“As Queen of Denmark, you have been the guarantor of the closeness and affection that prevail today between our countries and our homes. I would like to thank you in particular,” continues the King of Sweden in his message.


French-speaking, daredevil, tattooed… Who is Frederik X, the future king of Denmark?

At 55, Prince Frederik is preparing to take his mother, Margrethe II’s place on the throne and become the new king of Denmark.

With a popularity rating that exceeds 80%, this sporting, daredevil and tattooed prince has discreetly established himself in the shadow of his mother, notably for his commitment to the climate cause.

Mary and Frederik du Danemark en 2002. © KELD NAVNTOFT / SCANPIX / AFP

Schooled in Normandy, Frederik is French-speaking through his father, the French diplomat Henri de Monpezat, and spent most of his summers in a castle in the Lot that Queen Margrethe has owned since 1975.

A party boy in his younger years, it was in a pub in Australia that he met his wife, Mary, originally from Tasmania, who is set to become the Queen of Denmark this Sunday.

Find the full portrait of Frederik X in our new episode of the Royal Podcast as well as in our article.


The French Embassy in Denmark pays tribute to Margrethe II

Before returning the crown this afternoon, Queen Margrethe II was honored by the French Embassy in Denmark.

The facade of the French embassy in Denmark for the abdication of Queen Margrethe II on January 14, 2024. © Philippine David – BFMTV

On the facade of the building in Copenhagen, a sign was posted on which we can read a sober “Thank you” to the sovereign after 52 years of reign.


A sober and crownless transfer of power

Unlike his British counterpart, Charles III, Prince Frederik will have the right to a much more sober transfer of power.

The United Kingdom is in fact the only European monarchy to have retained a coronation ceremony. In Denmark, the last coronation dates back to 1660 and the last anointing in 1840. When she ascended the throne following the death of her father, Queen Margrethe was not entitled to either .

His son Frederik will therefore not experience a lavish ceremony either. On the program: the signing of the declaration of abdication, a carriage ride and salute to the balcony.

Another difference with Charles III, the future king of Denmark, will not wear a crown and will not literally ascend a throne following his proclamation. For more details, read our article.


Margrethe II, a very popular queen with a rather atypical profile

In power for 52 years, the Queen of Denmark, aged 83, is the last sovereign to reign in Europe since the death of Elizabeth II in September 2022.

Although she is very little known in France, this monarch, although French-speaking and Francophile, is very popular in her country and has a rather atypical profile for a queen.

Queen Margrethe II, a cigarette in her hand, in 1999. © Jorgen Jessen – Scanpix Denmark – AFP

Nicknamed “Ashtray Queen” by the British press, Margrethe II is a heavy smoker and could smoke up to 60 cigarettes a day according to Time, before a major back operation in February 2023, forcing her to reduce her consumption.

Passionate about archeology, the sovereign also illustrated the Danish edition of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, in 1977, under the pseudonym Ingahild Grathmer. Discover five amazing facts about Margrethe II in our article.


Launch of festivities in Copenhagen

The Danes are gradually gathering on the square of Christiansborg Palace, seat of Parliament, where the new King Frederik X is to be proclaimed around 3 p.m.

The Danish crowd gathered in front of Christiansborg Palace to follow the abdication of Queen Margrethe II in Copenhagen, Denmark, January 14, 2024. © Jonathan Nackstrand – AFP

Queen Margrethe II and her son, Frederik are due to travel to the headquarters of the Danish Parliament by carriage around 1:30 p.m. from Amalienborg Castle, the winter residence of the royal family.

Once at Christiansborg Palace, the sovereign will have to sign her declaration of abdication. Then the new king will be proclaimed from the palace balcony by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. Discover the details of the program in our article.


A historic event for Denmark

Hello everyone and welcome to this live to follow together the abdication of the Queen of Denmark Margrethe II and the proclamation of the new king of the country, Frederik X.

This Sunday, January 14, is a big day for the Danes as the country is preparing to experience a very rare event in its history: the transfer of power of its queen, in office since 1972.

During her annual New Year’s speech on December 31, the Danish monarch created a surprise by announcing that she wanted to abdicate, leaving her place on the throne to her son Frederik X.

#Queen #Margrethe #signed #declaration #abdication #years #reign

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