ABMAQ: an association at the heart of the quality ecosystem

2023-10-23 07:47:03

• 33 years of support

• A new CA to boost operations

• Other types of actions are needed to support the movement

En the margins of the National Quality Days (JNQ) and the Burkinabè Quality Prize (PBQ), held on October 5 and 6 in Bobo-Dioulasso, the Burkinabè Association for Quality Management (ABMAQ held two of its bodies. An extraordinary general assembly and an ordinary general assembly. Major changes are underway in the life of the association, informs us the Permanent Secretary of the association, Ousseini Ouédraogo, in this interview.

Ousséni Ouédraogo (SP ABMAQ): Two assemblies (one extraordinary, the other ordinary) in Bobo, on the occasion of the JNQ, what was it about ?

The extraordinary general meeting aimed to modify certain statutory and regulatory provisions, with a view to improving the functioning of the association. The important decision that came out of this was the recomposition of the Board of Directors, the number of which went from 11 to 7. This is a reduction which takes into account the current realities of the association and with the aim of having a Board of Directors. more dynamic administration. Traditionally, the Council was composed of 7 members. It was in 2019 that the number increased to 11. But due to the context of the current crisis, the operation was affected. It was heavy to manage. The ordinary general assembly, for its part, examined the 2022 financial statements of the organization and the regularization of the management of previous years, from 2019 to 2021. At the time, we were not able to hold these meetings at cause of internal difficulties. So, the organization is now up to date on that side.

What then are the major decisions of this ordinary AG?

This mainly concerns the revision of some of our tools such as the performance procedures manual, the personnel status, the strategic plan and the action plan, as well as risk mapping. The second direction was given in the direction of revising the statute and internal regulations.

A recommendation was also made to settle the association’s debts. We have high debts linked to unpaid debts, both from our customers and our members. This will involve taking stock with the assistance firm which advises us on this matter. The objective is to take stock and settle these debts by the next general meeting.

The assembly made a recommendation to improve the management of movable and immovable equipment. The idea here is to reform certain equipment and auction certain others, anything which will make it possible to clean up the management of the equipment. But the strong act of this general meeting remains the renewal of the Board of Directors on the basis of 7 members, adopted at the ordinary general meeting.

Thus, for the 2023-2026 mandate, the president of the Board of Directors is Doctor Hyacynthe Compaoré of ANAC.

Is ABMAQ relaunching itself in some way for the years to come?

That’s it. We hope for this with the new dynamic that is taking shape, as well as the reforms that will be implemented. This involves correcting inadequacies for greater efficiency. I would like to say that despite the crisis that the country has been experiencing in recent years, we received congratulations from the general assembly in relation to the results and the turnover which has increased regularly since 2019. Even if we were not able to carry out all our investment projects.

It’s a bit paradoxical to perform in times of crisis

Crises are often opportunities for businesses and organizations, provided they adapt to them.

This year, the theme of the JNQ focuses on risk management and continuity of service for a resilient economy in the current context of Burkina. It is a theme in line with the realities of the country in the grip of a socio-political crisis marked by coups d’état, a humanitarian and food crisis. Despite this context, the country remains resilient. This is why it was important to stop and think together about how risk management can better contribute to this resilience. Risk management is how we prepare to carry out our activities if difficulties arise. Risk is therefore the effect of uncertainty on the achievement of results. When you implement a risk management system, you increase your chances of achieving your results and your objectives. And, business continuity management is an extension of this issue of risks, because it addresses so-called extreme risks.

Since the country is resilient, it was important for us to question how the mining sector manages its activities in this context of insecurity. This is valid for the health and safety and education sectors. This sharing of experience will allow companies to engage in this dynamic and keep the country on its feet. As a quality expert, these exchanges make it possible to make recommendations to the State and businesses to amplify and consolidate this national dynamic.

33 years of promotion and awareness activities in quality management, through the JNQ. Are you satisfied with the results?

To say that we are satisfied is saying too much. But there are reasons for satisfaction all the same. Until the 2000s, we were able to promote quality circle tools. Moreover, the ABMAQ was called the ABCERQ. Then, with the advent of quality programs, we integrated the quality system dimension. Thus, we have contributed to the animation and improvement of the debate on the introduction of the quality approach in organizations. A national policy was adopted at the time, even if its implementation is not very satisfactory, it made it possible to set up a structure like ABNORM. In any case, ABMAQ remains one of the pillars in the quality ecosystem of Burkina Faso.

What I can add is that the lines are moving. There are actions underway for the implementation of quality approaches in EPEs and State Companies. This is the result of advocacy in the various CASEMs and the progressive involvement of the authorities who actually participate in the activities. Great efforts are therefore being made. But that is not enough.

If we want to make quality the best shared thing in this country, we must develop other types of actions: develop quality infrastructure, more standards, metrology laboratories and conformity assessment. We need to improve regulations, build stronger consumer defense and protection organizations that play their role in terms of the level of requirements, more supervision, more accredited laboratories to support businesses.

Not only do we need good regulations to govern, but beyond that, we need control bodies to ensure that everything works as it should.

All these actions, combined with quality teaching in schools, should allow us, in the long term, to invest in supporting projects for SMEs/SMIs, in the agricultural sector, which could contribute to this. to build a solid foundation of quality system. Quality is a state of mind, a way of doing things. We see problems as opportunities and we focus on continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. It is the basis of the competitiveness and development of our economy. The digitalization underway at the central level, in public services, is a good thing, because whoever speaks quality also speaks performance.

For you, our quality ecosystem is still under construction…

Quite. You just have to look at the number of accredited laboratories. When there are, they fight to maintain their certificate.

With less than ten accredited laboratories, this means that the country cannot carry out certain analyzes on site. The idea of ​​adopting a quality policy is very good, the implementation must be followed and be effective.o

Interview carried out by AT


Recommendations from the General Assembly Ordinary General Meeting (AGM) of the ABMAQ, held on October 4, 2023, in Bobo-Dioulasso

1 – Strengthen the governance of the association by updating and/or adopting steering and management tools such as the strategic plan with a relevant business model, the procedures manual, risk mapping, improvement of plans accounting and budgetary matters, the quality management system, staff status and internal regulations.

2- Update the constitutive texts of the association, namely the statutes and the internal regulations, to improve dysfunctions.

3- Undertake recovery actions, clearance of receivables and fixed assets, in order to clean up the association’s balance sheet.

4- Strengthen partnerships with relevant national, regional and international organizations to improve the position and resources of the association.

5- Take stock of the recommendations from the general assemblies and those to come.

Recommendations from the General Assembly

extraordinary (AGE) of the ABMAQ, held on October 4, 2023, in Bobo-Dioulasso

1- Reduce the number of board members from 13 to 7 for the renewal of the association’s office.

2- Apply the constitutive texts of the association in force, namely the statutes and the internal regulations.

Box 2

The new CA of l’ABMAQ

Nnew ABMAQ Board of Directors (CA) 2023-2026, following the ordinary general meeting held on October 4, 2023, in Bobo-Dioulasso

– President: Compaoré Thomas Hyacinthe (DG ANAC)

– Vice-president: Ibrahim Traoré (DG SN CITEC)

The members :

– General Treasurer: Ouédraogo Lassané (DG DGSI/MEFP)

– Secretary in charge of industry: Zoundi Sylvestre (RQHSE CIMFASO)

– Secretary in charge of services: Démé Moussa (RQ CNSS)

– Secretary in charge of public administration: Séré Adama (Director of audit and quality SONATUR)

– Secretary responsible for the action of those responsible for quality: Barro Aboubakri (RQ SONAR IARD).o

#ABMAQ #association #heart #quality #ecosystem

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