Abu Hashima teases Yasmine Sabry with the first step after the divorce… and the artist burns his heart with an unexpected reaction… She will be shocked!!

It’s 11:50 a.m.
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Social networking sites have been buzzing in recent days with the news of the divorce of the artist, Yasmine Sabry, from the Egyptian businessman Ahmed Abu Hashima, as each of them deleted the photos that they collected with the other through their official pages.

There were many rumors about the reasons for the divorce, as media websites reported many reasons, but it remains just speculation, and no one knows the truth of this separation, as silence remains an ally of each.

In the first step after the divorce, businessman Abu Hashima surprised everyone, as he published a new picture on his official page on “Facebook”, in his first appearance after his separation, smiling, stressing that he was not affected, and then the pioneers of social networking sites expressed that the businessman wants to The artist teases, indirectly.

The artist then published pictures of her from the famous island of Mauritius, where she shared with her audience pictures in which she appeared enjoying, and indifferent to anything, and then the media sites revealed that the artist wanted to respond to her ex-husband in the same way, but her method was more powerful as she appeared in the best tourist places.

It is reported that the artist, Yasmine Sabry, separated from her husband, businessman Ahmed Abu Hashima, after a marriage that lasted for two years.

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