Actress Nadia spoke in favor of Afghan males

The well-known actress of Pakistan drama trade Nadia Afghan says that there isn’t a one on the earth who loves extra selflessly than a father, however we society by no means appreciates him.

A video clip of actress Nadia Afghan goes viral on the photograph and video sharing platform Instagram, through which she will be seen and heard elevating her voice for the lads of the society and appreciating their companies.

The above viral clip is taken from an interview she gave to her non-public trend journal podcast, through which she stated, “We by no means speak about males, particularly fathers’ service, selfless love, solely moms.” are

The actress stated {that a} man leaves house within the morning to earn a job for his household and comes again at night time. provides

He stated that males don’t preserve something for themselves and spend the whole lot to satisfy the wants of their households. .

Nadia Afghan additionally stated {that a} man is taught from childhood that you’re accountable, it’s important to handle everybody, in such a scenario he forgets to handle himself, which is a pity.

#Actress #Nadia #spoke #favor #Afghan #males
2024-05-23 01:41:37

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